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In this episode of Data Unleashed, Drew continues his discussion on integrating with different OLAP databases, this time going over how to integrate your Salesforce data model into BigQuery easily.
The chances are you’re using one of the big three cloud-computing companies like AWS, Azure, or GCP. When it comes to their data, we’ve found that a lot of companies will use OLAP databases like BigQuery so they can analyze larger volumes of data faster and with more results.
For those organizations that want to do this, CapStorm has a way. With CapStorm’s solutions, you can replicate your Salesforce data model – including data, schema, and metadata – directly into BigQuery without having to deal with the transition from SQL database format into a columnar database. All within 3 to 5 minutes of real-time and behind your own firewall, giving you true autonomy over your data.
Tune in each Tuesday for more episodes of Data Unleashed, and discover all the tips and tricks to help you get more value from your investment in Salesforce. In addition, we would love to hear from you if you are looking for a fast, easy, and highly secure way to protect your Salesforce data & metadata! Contact an SFDC data expert or send us a message on LinkedIn!
Video Transcription
Hello, my name is Drew Niermann and this is Data Unleashed, the video blog series dedicated to helping you get more out of your investment in Salesforce.
Now, if you’re using Salesforce, the chances are that you’re probably using one of the big three cloud computing companies like AWS, Microsoft, Azure, or GCP.
Today, I specifically want to talk about replicating Salesforce data into BigQuery. Now a lot of companies will adopt these OLAP databases because they can get larger volumes of data crunched faster with multi-dimensional queries, and get more robust and granular results from the analytics that they want to run.
There is a way to replicate Salesforce data directly into BigQuery, without having to worry about the transition from the traditional SQL database format into the columnar OLAP database format.
The company that I work with is called CapStorm, and we will actually replicate the entire Salesforce data model data schema and metadata into your BigQuery database within three to five minutes of real-time behind your own GCP firewalls, so that you have autonomous control over this replica of Salesforce in your BigQuery database at all times.
If this is something that would be of interest to you to supercharge your analytics engine, please feel free to drop me a note on LinkedIn or send a message to the CapStorm team at Thank you so much for watching. My name is Drew Niermann. And this is Data Unleashed.