TeamLease Saves 400% In Storage Costs For Over 200GB of Data

CapStorm Helps TeamLease Avoid Paying For More Salesforce Storage

TeamLease, a leading staffing company in India, provides comprehensive solutions to over 3,500 employers, addressing hiring, productivity, and scalability challenges.

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Tech Stack

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TeamLease uses Salesforce for multiple purposes, such as onboarding new clients and as a service desk tool.

Their Salesforce data storage volume became too large, and they needed to find a solution to store and manage their data. 

On top of that, the cost of increasing their storage capacity in Salesforce was too high. Therefore, they were searching for a solution that would enable them to store their data in a SQL database server and still comply with government regulations for regional data storage.


Data Archival

TeamLease was able to leverage CopyStorm to achieve the archival of older Salesforce data. This archival approach helped reduce storage costs for five years worth of inactive data. In addition, this solution allowed TeamLease to restore data quickly whenever needed, retrieving data from their database and providing it to their customers. All of this was done securely behind their firewall, with the data structure mimicking TeamLease’s Salesforce environment.

Graphic of white, black and CapStorm blue colored cubes stacked on each other.


Checkmark inside of a white circle.

TeamLease saved up to 400% on Salesforce data storage costs for over 200GB.

Checkmark inside of a white circle.

TeamLease kept their critical customer data compliant with government regulations by storing it behind their firewall.

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