Research University Gains Access to Historical Reporting Data

CapStorm Helped a Research University Create an Operational Archive

This public research university offers over 100 undergraduate programs and dozens of master’s and doctoral degree programs. The institution has a large data infrastructure supporting its wide range of academic offerings. The university’s growing data needs, especially in its HR and Service Cloud systems, required efficient data management and compliance solutions.

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Solutions Used

Blue, black and white cubes floating and falling.


The university managed two Salesforce Service Cloud orgs – one for its primary operations and the other for sensitive HR data. While the main org handled the bulk of the university’s business processes, they faced the following challenges:

  • Backup Gaps for Sensitive HR Data: Their HR data, housed in a separate org, lacked a proper backup solution. With no safety net in place, any data loss could severely impact HR operations.


  • Salesforce Data Discrepancies and Space Constraints: The university needed a solution to handle data verification and updates in the Service Cloud. With the growing volume of data, they were rapidly approaching their storage limits but couldn’t afford to delete critical data. They required a solution that allowed them to archive unused data while retaining the ability to pull specific records or historical data when needed.


  • Historical Data Accessibility: The university needed a solution that allowed them to quickly access archived data for specific individuals or objects, while keeping their active Salesforce orgs streamlined and efficient. They sought to avoid cluttering their operational environment with unused data, yet retain the ability to retrieve historical information when needed for reporting or compliance purposes.


Their primary goal was to establish an operational archive that would not only serve as a backup and restore solution but also enable historical reporting for leadership decision-making.


How CapStorm Helped

CapStorm implemented CopyStorm to address the university’s backup and restore needs, enabling selective backups and efficient data management.

Implementation Process: CapStorm worked with the university to configure custom backups, allowing them to focus on relevant data and avoid unnecessary storage of outdated records.

    1. Custom Backup Management

      Enabled the university to back up only necessary data, freeing up storage space while keeping the data they’d need for reporting purposes readily available.

    2. ETL Capabilities

      Improved data visibility by efficiently extracting Salesforce data for external use.

    3. Leveraging CS:Enable

      Allowed for seamless import of non-Salesforce data into their Salesforce instance.

Graphic of white, black and CapStorm blue colored cubes stacked on each other.


Checkmark inside of a white circle.

Enhanced Historical Reporting:

With SQL service backups in place, the university’s leadership now accesses historical data in minutes, compared to the manual searches that could previously take hours or even days. This has equipped them with actionable insights for more informed decision-making.

Checkmark inside of a white circle.

Operational Database Creation:

The university now has an operational database that mirrors its Salesforce orgs, allowing for seamless data access and recovery.

Checkmark inside of a white circle.

Increased Development Efficiency:

The ability to process records faster significantly improved the development team's efficiency, allowing them to focus on strategic projects rather than manual data management tasks.

What Our Customer Said

We use it (CopyStorm)  extensively for our ETL processes … We can process records way, way faster and it’s much more effective at doing our development using that.” 

– Stephen B., Enterprise Solutions Architect


CapStorm’s solution enabled the university to overcome its data management challenges by streamlining backups, optimizing storage, and improving data visibility. With faster record processing and enhanced historical reporting, the university improved both operational efficiency and decision-making. 

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