Keep Your Salesforce Data Compliant With a Data Governance Strategy

Data is the lifeblood of any business, particularly in today's digital age, where customer insights can make or break a company. However, as Uncle Ben once told Peter Parker, “With great power comes great responsibility.” So if your organization collects and processes personal data, you must ensure it complies with ever-changing data protection regulations. Enter data governance – the practice of managing the availability, usability, integrity, and security of an organization's information.
Bright white clouds filling up the sky.

So let’s explore why an effective data governance strategy is critical for Salesforce users looking to stay compliant and avoid costly fines. It’s time to take control of your sensitive data!

Why Is Data Governance Important For Salesforce Compliance?

Data governance is a set of processes and policies that helps organizations manage their data more effectively and stay compliant. It includes managing data quality, security, privacy, and other aspects of data management. Salesforce compliance is important because it helps ensure that customer data is managed properly and securely. Data governance can help organizations meet their compliance obligations by providing a framework for managing data. 

Organizations that do not have effective data governance may find themselves at risk of non-compliance with Salesforce’s requirements. This can lead to costly penalties and a loss of trust among your customers. 

Data governance is, therefore, an essential part of ensuring overall Salesforce compliance. Organizations can help protect their investment in Salesforce and avoid potential compliance problems by implementing processes and policies to govern how data is managed.

What Are the Benefits of Data Governance?

There are many benefits of data governance, but three key benefits are: 

  • Ensuring data quality: Data governance can help ensure that your Salesforce platform has high-quality data by establishing processes and standards for data entry, storage, and maintenance. This can help reduce errors and inconsistencies in your data, making it more reliable and easier to use.
  • Improving data security: Data governance can also help improve the security of your Salesforce platform by establishing controls around who has access to what data, and how that data can be used. This can help prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data, and protect your company from potential legal liability.
  • Enhancing decision-making: Data governance can improve decision-making within your company by providing better visibility into the state of your Salesforce platform’s data. This can help you identify issues and opportunities more quickly, and make more informed decisions about how to best leverage your Salesforce org.


Overall, data governance is an essential component of a successful Salesforce platform. By establishing standards and controls around your data, you can ensure its quality, security, and utility for decision-making.

Data governance graphic

How to Implement a Data Governance Strategy

Implementing a data governance strategy is critical to ensuring compliance with Salesforce’s Platform policies. Here are some critical steps to take when developing your data governance strategy:

  • Define your goals and objectives. What are you hoping to achieve with your data governance strategy? Be specific and realistic in your objectives to ensure your strategy is achievable.
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of your data. This includes understanding where your data comes from, how it flows through your organization, and how it is used. Without this understanding, it will be difficult to develop an effective governance strategy.
  • Identify the stakeholders involved in your data governance strategy. Who will be responsible for executing the strategy? Who will be impacted by the changes? Make sure to include all relevant stakeholders in the planning process to ensure buy-in and support for the initiative.
  • Develop clear policies and procedures around data management. What processes will be put in place to ensure that data is consistently accurate and up-to-date? How will access to data be controlled and monitored? Be sure to document all policies and procedures so that everyone involved understands their role in maintaining compliance.
  • Implement monitoring and reporting mechanisms to track progress against goals. Without regular monitoring, it will be difficult to gauge the effectiveness of your governance strategy. Put in place mechanisms to track KPIs and other success indicators so adjustments can be made as needed. 


Following these steps will help you develop an effective and comprehensive data governance strategy that will ensure compliance with Salesforce’s Platform policies and protect your organization from potential risks associated with data management.

Avoid These Pitfalls When Implementing a Salesforce Data Governance Strategy

There are a number of common pitfalls that can occur when implementing a Salesforce data governance strategy. One of the most common is failing to gain buy-in from all stakeholders. Data governance cannot be successful if it is forced on people; everyone needs to be on board with the plan.

Another common mistake is not having a clear and concise plan. A Salesforce data governance strategy should be well thought out and tailored to the organization’s specific needs. Without a clearly defined plan, measuring success or tracking progress will be difficult. Make sure to dedicate enough resources to the data governance initiative. Data governance requires ongoing effort and attention; if it is not given the proper resources, it is likely to fail. 

Finally, failing to evaluate the effectiveness of your data governance strategy is another thing to look out for. It is essential to review the process and ensure it meets its goals and objectives. Data governance should always be a continuing process; changes may need to be made if it isn’t working as expected. 

It is important to be aware of these issues and put measures in place to help avoid them. With careful planning and dedication, it is possible to create a successful Salesforce data governance strategy that will benefit your business.

Level Up Your Data Governance Strategy With CapStorm

Data governance is an essential part of any Salesforce platform. It provides organizations with the tools and processes they need to ensure that their data remains compliant and that it’s secure, accurate, and up-to-date. With CapStorm’s CS:Govern extension, you can easily create a robust data governance strategy to help your organization increase efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure you remain compliant with all applicable regulations. 

With CapStorm at the helm, you can be confident that your Salesforce platform will remain secure and compliant and provide valuable insights about customer behavior. 

Curious to know more? Our team is here to help!

Steven Welch

Steven Welch

Steven has over a decade of experience with content writing and design, and works to bring CapStorm's stories to a wider audience.

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